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St Andrew's Junior School  Hatfield Peverel

St Andrew's Junior School Hatfield Peverel

Witham Poetry Slam!

Lots of children in year five have been learning poems in preparation for the Witham Collaborative Poetry. Ten children performed at the event, which we hosted here at St Andrew’s. The schools taking part were: us, Holy Family Primary, Hatfield Peverel Infant School and Howbridge Junior School.

The deputy mayor attended as one third of the judging panel; Nicky Browne an racy expert and Julian Sorsby an education consultant made up the panel. The children performed Buckingham Palace by AA Milne and In Flanders Field by John McCrace.

Holy Family Primary won the competition, and Hatfield Peverel Infants won the ‘Spirit’ award for excellent team work. All of the Year Five ‘Poetry Slammers’ (not just the competition members) performed for the whole school during Shine.

Mrs Black was really impressed with the effort and enjoyment that the Year 5 'slammers' have demonstrated during our practice sessions. We plan to keep learning poems which we will share with parents later in the year.

  • PoetrySlam

