Cross Country
The Level 1 Cross Country event was held at Witham Rugby Club on Tuesday 6th February. The Year 3 and 4 children ran 1,000m and the Year 5 and 6 children ran 1,500m. It was a challenging course but the children were able to show grit, perseverance, determination and resilience in order to work not only individually but also as a team to reach the finish line.
We received the results this week and the following teams will be going through to level 2 at Tabor High School on Tuesday 5th March: Year 3 girls and boys, Year 4 boys and Year 5 girls and boys.
A special mention needs to be made to the following children for coming in the top 3: Eleanor E (1st), Sienna R (2nd), Skylar B (3rd), Luke C (3rd) and Eli G (3rd).
Thank you to all of the parents who helped to transport their own and other children to and from the event. Well done to all the children who took part and good luck for level 2!