About our school
Welcome to St Andrew's! Our school vision ‘Every child is loved and known. Every child shines.’ is based on the bible verse: Matthew 5:16 ‘Let your light shine’. Our broad and balanced curriculum is designed to ensure opportunities for all children to enjoy a practical, engaging, knowledge rich and skills focused curriculum. This also develops a love for creativity, nature, problem-solving and the acceptance and celebration of everyone in the local and global community within our safe and respectful Christian community. We are a Foundation school with strong links to St. Andrew’s Church in Hatfield Peverel.
‘Let your light shine’ (Matthew 5:16) is our desire for all of our children; we aim for the highest standards of behaviour, education and academic successes – we identify individual needs of the children and develop these accordingly.
At St Andrew’s we believe passionately that all children deserve the very best education. We plan creatively for a varied range of learning opportunities which ensures all children have time to develop and practise many skills and deepen their knowledge in a range of settings across all areas of the curriculum.
We believe in developing the ‘whole child’; the skills of communication, resilience, team-work, creative thinking and questioning are dovetailed into our curriculum and allow children to develop these to aid them in life and their future learning.
At St Andrew’s we work closely with parents in order to best support all childrens’ personal, social and academic achievements.
Mrs R. Black - Headteacher
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