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St Andrew's Junior School  Hatfield Peverel

St Andrew's Junior School Hatfield Peverel

Collective Worship

At St. Andrew's, Collective Worship is an important part of daily school life. We always open every collective worship by reciting and sharing in our school vision:

On Mondays, we gather together in the hall for a themed Collective Worship, focusing on Spirituality, led by Mrs Black. She also starts the week off with our Herdy sheep, where the children share how they are feeling. This is a good opportunity for both children and staff to be aware of the wellbeing of their class and how they can support each other.

On Tuesdays, we are led by Mrs Dutaut who shares with us Picture News from around the world. This has a weekly British Values focus, and is a great way for the children to learn about the life experiences, celebrations and faiths of children from around the world.

On Wednesdays, one of the teachers will lead Worship News, which has a Christian focus on the Picture News from the day before. The children explore links to a passage from the Bible, as well as making links with other faiths and beliefs.

On Thursdays, we watch iSingPop which is an exciting and reflective collective worship video. This features an animated Bible story, followed by an interactive discussion.

Finally, on Fridays we gather together to celebrate achievements and reflect on the week that has passed. Each teacher chooses a child who has really shone that week by displaying our CARE Christian values. Friday's Collective Worship also involves a re-share of our Herdy sheep to conclude and reflect on the week. 

We end every Collective Worship with a prayer and 'peace be with you' in sign language. We always encourage the children to 'pray as you pray' so that children of evert faith are included.


At Harvest, Easter and Christmas, we hold a service for the children and their families at St. Andrew's Church in the village.