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St Andrew's Junior School  Hatfield Peverel

St Andrew's Junior School Hatfield Peverel

How to find us

In August 2023, our school building was closed due to deterioration of RAAC concrete in the roof. We spent 8 weeks based at the Hatfield Place wedding venue whilst temporary portcabins were erected on site. 

Due to the location of the portacabins our school entrance is different and unfortunately there is no visitor parking on the school grounds either.

There is parking along Church Road further down from the school gates (please check parking restriction signs). There is also parking at St Andrew’s Parish Church, a 5 minute walk from the school. Please respect neighbours driveways when parking in residential roads.

This is the old main entrance to the school. To get to the new GREEN GATES please walk down the footpath here next to the red gates:

The blue gates are Hatfield Peverel Infant School - a different school to ours. If you get lost, they should be able to help redirect you!

The footpath in the image above will bring you into the Recreation Ground. Keep following the footpath straight ahead until you reach the green gates:

 Please use the buzzer to speak to the school office who will come and greet you. If you have any problems finding us, please call 01245 380131.

For a printable version of these directions, please see the attachment below.