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St Andrew's Junior School  Hatfield Peverel

St Andrew's Junior School Hatfield Peverel

The School Day



8.30 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.  
Afternoon: 1.00 p.m. to 3.05 p.m.

The school is open for 32 hours 55 minutes per week. Children receive 24 hours 10 minutes teaching time during a normal school week, this excludes registration times and the act of collective worship.

The gates open at 8.30 a.m. and the children can enter their classrooms for registration and to being early morning activities.


Years 3 & 4 Break Time

Year 5 & 6 Break Time

10.30 to 10.45 a.m.  

10.50 to 11.05 a.m.

Lunchtime 12.00 to 1.00 p.m.


Children may bring something to eat and drink at break time, but it should only be fruit or vegetables, such as an apple, banana, carrot sticks, raisins etc. Drinks should be water. Children should not bring any fizzy or sugary drinks.  To protect those children with allergies, the school is a ‘Nut-free zone’ and so snacks should never include peanut bars or any similar products containing nuts.


School dinners cost £2.55 per day.

Year 5 and 6 go out to play, weather permitting, at 12pm until 12.30pm then they currently eat their lunch in their classroom until 1pm.

Year 3 and 4 eat their lunch in their classroom from 12pm to 12.30pm and then go outside to play until 1.00pm.

Outside at lunchtime, our play leaders volunteer their time to support the other pupils at play times to establish a happy play time for all children. They have received training on how to deliver different games at lunch time. As well as delivering traditional playground games, the children have lots of play equipment to enjoy which are changed on a daily basis.

In order to protect children with allergies, peanut butter sandwiches or nut bars/products should not be given to children in their lunch boxes from home.

If you wish your child to go home for lunch or leave the school premises for any other reason then please inform the office. If you intend for your child to go home for lunch every day then please send one letter/email to the office at the start of the year to this effect. Any child leaving the school site needs to be collected from the school office, where they can be signed out.

Children who go home for lunch should not return on to the premises before 12.55 p.m.