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St Andrew's Junior School  Hatfield Peverel

St Andrew's Junior School Hatfield Peverel


Admission Arrangements

Year 2 to Year 3 admission applications 

If your child is in Year 2 at an infant school, you can apply for a place at Hatfield Peverel, St Andrew's Junior School for your child to join in Year 3. Please check the local authorities website for further information on how to apply for a place and deadlines for when you need to submit your request (usually between November and January).

Mid-year admission applications 

Applications for a mid-year school place are made by completing this school admissions google form or via a paper copy available from the school office or downloadable below.

Admission number

The published admission number is 60.


A child with an EHCP (Education, Health, Care Plan) that has named Hatfield Peverel St. Andrew’s Junior School will be admitted if the school is confident that it can meet the statutory needs as stated in the EHCP.


Where the number of applications for admission exceeds the published admission number, the following criteria will be applied to all applications, in the order set out below, to decide which child or children to admit first:

1. Children Looked After.

2. Children attending Hatfield Peverel Infant School.

3. Children living within the Ecclesiastical Parish of either Hatfield Peverel or Ulting with a sibling attending the school or Hatfield Peverel Infant School.

4. Children living outside the Ecclesiastical Parish of either Hatfield Peverel or Ulting with a sibling attending the school or Hatfield Peverel Infant School.

 5. Any other applications.

In each individual over-subscription criterion priority will be given to:

  • The proximity of the child’s home to St. Andrew’s Junior School will determine which child is to be admitted. Proximity will be judged using a straight-line distance from the mid-point of the main pedestrian gate to the child’s home, with those living closer to the school being accorded the higher priority.

A waiting list will be kept by St Andrew's Junior School Office.  


The definitions listed here apply to their use in the admissions and oversubscription criteria.

The ‘home address’ is the address at which the child resides on a permanent basis, or is ordinarily resident. If the child lives at more than one address it is the address of the parent or person with parental responsibility and/or that is in receipt of child benefit for the child that is considered as the home address. Verification of this may be required.

The Local Authority - ‘LA’ - is Essex County Council.

A ‘Child Looked After’ is a child who is in public care.

The ‘published admissions number’ is the number of children which the school has decided to admit each year in the annual schools admissions round into Year 3. The number is 60 and it is set in consultation with the LA and other nearby schools.

A ‘sibling’ is defined as “a child living in the same family unit, in the same family household and address as a child who attends the school. This includes brothers and sisters and stepbrothers and stepsisters. Biological siblings will be treated as siblings irrespective of place of residence.”


More information in relation to our admission arrangements, including a map showing the Ecclesiastical Parishes of Hatfield Peverel and Ulting, is available from the school office.

If an application has been refused, the applicant has the right to appeal against the decision. The first stage of the appeals process would involve a review by the admissions authority (i.e. the governing body’s Admissions Committee) of its initial determination. If this is not overturned, applicants who wish to appeal against a decision to refuse entry can do so within 21 days of being informed of the decision to refuse a place at the school by applying to the Clerk of Appeals, c/o the school. An independent Appeals Panel then meets to consider all appeals by applicants, which have not succeeded and who wish to appeal against this decision. You will be advised (at least 14 days in advance) when and where your appeal will be heard. The decision of an Appeals Panel is binding on all parties concerned. For more information on the appeals process and/ or to lodge an appeal visit:

Admission, care and access of disabled pupils

The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 defines a disabled person as one who has “a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities”.

The governors always apply their published admissions criteria to applications for admission to the school.  Application for admission would not be refused on the grounds of disability. 

The school buildings currently facilitate reasonably easy access for the disabled, including ramps and toilet facilities.  In the event of a specific admission need, the school would take immediate steps to review accessibility to the building and the further facilities.  Documentation in large print, Braille and recorded media can be provided on request through Local Authority services. As part of their planned maintenance programme of the school site, governors give due consideration to the access needs of all children and staff.  Governors also ensure that all pupils have equal opportunity in curriculum provision and other school activities.